Moving from Paper to Digital, Home to Hong Kong

"Every writer knows that the choice of a beginning for what he will write is crucial not only because it determines much of what follows, but also because a work's beginning is, practically speaking, the main entrance to what it offers." -- Edward Saïd, Beginnings

That being said, I have no idea exactly what a first blog post should entail... 

I'm going to start with two general notifications, and then talk about some upcoming thoughts that have ruminated in my mind. 

1) For the first time, I'm transitioning from pen and paper to digital blogging ... success will be when I no longer write my blog post first by hand and than transcribe it on here.

2) Secondarily, finished Techstars in London about two weeks ago, came home to the "Greater Bostonia," and am now embarking on another adventure to find a niche in the startup ecosystem in Hong Kong. Am actually hopping on the plane now out of Logan-- will smash out a few posts in the coming days ... thoughts on Techstars, and knowledge sharing in entrepreneurship. 




The "Unicorn" as a Benchmark for Success?